Saturday, August 30, 2014

Tygerberg Photographic Society - August 2014

The August set subject was "slow shutter speed", and this was my entry for the month. The judge seemed to like the shot, but marked it down as he found the red branding on the chopsticks packet distracting. I think it helps balance out the bottom section of the photo, so still obviously have lots to learn.

My other two images entered into the "Open" category can be seen by clicking on the "TPS Entries" link on the menu bar.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Triple trouble

The three ladies who terrorized Cape Town this past week. On the left, niece Lee-Ann, her Mom and Jacqui's sister Lesley in the middle, and Jacqui on the right. So innocent-looking - butter wouldn't melt in their mouths!

A great time was had by all, and everyone is now back home safe and sound. Can't believe just how peaceful this place is right now!

My thanks for all the posing - I really enjoyed the photo sessions. Till next time...

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Birthday weekend in Melkbos

What a special weekend to celebrate 67 years! Please click on the photos to see the larger versions.

We arrived on Friday late morning to see 
the bay full of whales

Friday's sunset was clear and crisp

Saturday evening gave us the mist

And we ended off the Birthday with this prelude to a beautiful hazy sunset

My sincerest thanks to all of you who have made this a very special birthday - especially my wife Jacqui, plus all the friends and family members who phoned or sent Facebook and text messages. You are all awesome!

Saturday, August 02, 2014

Mariella's Restaurant - Capaia Estate

Last Tuesday Jacqui and I celebrated 21 years in our Durbanville home. We went to Mariella's Restaurant for lunch to celebrate. This is the view from their parking lot. Click on the photo for the large view.