Monday, May 23, 2016

Tygerberg Photographic Society - February 2016

Not my most productive month - in fact, the worst points return since I joined the TPS!

The set subject for this month was "Human Portraits". I had some ideas of who to approach for the portraits, but to be perfectly honest was not feeling up to it at all. And if the heart's not in it, then best just to leave it alone. So I ended up just submitting two entries in the Open section.

The first was a photo taken one afternoon after having lunch with Jacqui in Philadelphia. On our way back we noticed this flock of birds sitting on the fence. I stopped the car, got out the camera and then started moving slowly forward. The birds then took off and I was able to capture this through the windscreen. I named the shot "Rush hour".

The next and final image for the month was taken in our garden. Jacqui's efforts last Spring gave us a wonderful display of Cosmos flowers, and this is just one of the many. I called it "Centre of the cosmos".

Both images received Silver ratings. As they say - it can only get better!

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