Thursday, August 24, 2017

Tygerberg Photographic Society - August 2017

The set subject for the month was "Macro / Close-ups", probably my favourite photographic category, as I am fascinated by the whole new world that is unveiled when using a macro lens.

As Fuji haven't yet introduced an affordable macro lens into their range, I had to make use of my old faithful Canon 40D and 100ml macro lens for the macros. Each macro submission was produced by stacking nine different images in order to get an acceptable depth of field.

Also very happy with the results of the judging - three Gold award, and one Silver. These are the images submitted:

Inside a nastursium (Set print) - Gold

Viburnum flowers (Set digital) - Gold

Dry, dusty, and cloudy (Open digital) - Gold

Lighting the way (Open digital) - Silver
Till next month!

Sunday, August 06, 2017

Tygerberg Photographic Society - January to July 2017

I have finally posted all of the photos submitted this year to the TPSA monthly competitions. Very proud to see that I had one overall winning image, plus three category winners!

The photos can be viewed by hovering your mouse over the "TPS Entries" link on the menu above, and then selecting "2017" from the drop-down box.

Those of you who have visited my blog before will see some subtle changes. I have tried to "clean up" the pages, and make them easy to view and follow. I have had to split up all the TPS photos into different years, as the page displaying all of them had grown too large. Finding a way of incorporating a drop-down menu was a challenge to say the least, but it is finally working.

I have also tried to make the comment box more accessible, and this has necessitated a change in the look of the landing or front page of the blog. To view, please click on the "Home" link on the menu. If you do have any comments to make, they are always most welcome and would be truly appreciated.