Monday, March 23, 2015

Tygerberg Photographic Society - November 2014

The set subject for November (the final month for competitions for 2014) was "Macro". This is one of my favourite forms of photography, and while I expected to do well this month, it was in fact my bleakest set of results since joining the TPS, and the first time I have failed to receive a Gold rating for any of my entries! But - it's great motivation to do better going forward!

My first image was of a cross section of a Kiwi fruit, and not to make it too obvious, I decided to convert the image to black and white. I eventually named it "Ancient artwork from New Zealand", though "Alien sports stadium" came a close second.

The second image was of the centre section of a pansy, and I named this one "Furnace".

The images entered into the "Open" category can be seen on the TPS Entries page (link is on the menu bar). The "Light beer" image was just a bit of fun, though I quite liked it in the end. 

As usual, please click on the images for the large versions.

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